Following on from my last post on the MDSN Low Bandwidth View, Scott Hanselman recently tweeted about the beta version of MDSN Lightweight View.

In a similar way to adding (loband) before the .aspx part of the url, putting (lightweight) before the .aspx part of the url will use the new lightweight view of MSDN, meaning a much neater and streamlined version.

In addition, Scott has previously posted about the other modes of MSDN:

Mode Description Example
- The normal MSDN view Example
(loband) A minimal view, focussed on speed Example
(lightweight) A faster lightweight view, including quick links to switch between languages and .Net framework versions Example
(pda) Aimed at PDAs and phones. Turns off the tree and allows a 100% width Example
(robot) Optimised for search engines Example
(printer) A printable version Example
(ide) Used when viewing inside the IDE. Adds send and give feedback links Example

Note that the dev10ide view Scott mentions seems to have been removed, and that the lightweight view is currently in beta, so may be liable to change.
